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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Raitiere-Martin-The-Complicity:

  • Raitiere, Martin: The Complicity of Friends
    Raitiere, Martin: The Complicity of Friends

    The Complicity of Friends , One of Victorian England's most famous philosophers harbored a secret: Herbert Spencer suffered from an illness so laden with stigma that he feared its revelation would ruin him. He therefore went to extraordinary lengths to hide his malady from the public. Exceptionally, he drew two of his closest friends-the novelist George Eliot and her partner, G. H. Lewes-into his secret. Years later, he also shared it with a remarkable neurologist, John Hughlings-Jackson, better placed than anyone else in England to understand his illness. Spencer insisted that all three support him without betraying his condition to others-and two of them did so. But George Eliot, still smarting from Spencer's rejection, years earlier, of her offer of love, did not. Ingeniously, she devised a means both of nominally respecting (for their contemporaries) and of violating (for our benefit) Spencer's injunction. What she hid from her peers she reveals to us in an act of deferred, but audacious literary revenge. It's here decoded for the first time. Indeed The Complicity of Friends comprises the first disclosure of Spencer's hidden frailty but also, more importantly, of the responses it generated in the lives and works of his three notable friends. This book provides a complete rethinking of its principal figures. The novelist who emerges in these pages is a more sinuous and passionate George Eliot than the oracular Victorian we are used to hearing about. The significance of the friendship between Lewes, her irrepressible partner, and the inventive Hughlings-Jackson is outlined for the first time. And in an ironic twist, even his three farsighted confidants could not anticipate that, late in the twentieth century, certain of Spencer's own intuitions about the nature and provenance of his illness would be vindicated. Those with any interest in George Eliot, Lewes, Hughlings-Jackson, or Spencer will be compelled to re-envision their personalities after reading The Complicity of Friends. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 89.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Raitiere, Martin: The Complicity of Friends
    Raitiere, Martin: The Complicity of Friends

    The Complicity of Friends , One of Victorian England's most famous philosophers harbored a secret: Herbert Spencer suffered from an illness so laden with stigma that he feared its revelation would ruin him. He therefore went to extraordinary lengths to hide his malady from the public. Exceptionally, he drew two of his closest friends-the novelist George Eliot and her partner, G. H. Lewes-into his secret. Years later, he also shared it with a remarkable neurologist, John Hughlings-Jackson, better placed than anyone else in England to understand his illness. Spencer insisted that all three support him without betraying his condition to others-and two of them did so. But George Eliot, still smarting from Spencer's rejection, years earlier, of her offer of love, did not. Ingeniously, she devised a means both of nominally respecting (for their contemporaries) and of violating (for our benefit) Spencer's injunction. What she hid from her peers she reveals to us in an act of deferred, but audacious literary revenge. It's here decoded for the first time. Indeed The Complicity of Friends comprises the first disclosure of Spencer's hidden frailty but also, more importantly, of the responses it generated in the lives and works of his three notable friends. This book provides a complete rethinking of its principal figures. The novelist who emerges in these pages is a more sinuous and passionate George Eliot than the oracular Victorian we are used to hearing about. The significance of the friendship between Lewes, her irrepressible partner, and the inventive Hughlings-Jackson is outlined for the first time. And in an ironic twist, even his three farsighted confidants could not anticipate that, late in the twentieth century, certain of Spencer's own intuitions about the nature and provenance of his illness would be vindicated. Those with any interest in George Eliot, Lewes, Hughlings-Jackson, or Spencer will be compelled to re-envision their personalities after reading The Complicity of Friends. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 157.27 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Complicity and the Politics of Representation
    Complicity and the Politics of Representation

    Complicity and the Politics of Representation , This book explores the concept of complicity with regard to the politics of representation. Over the past decades, complicity critique has evolved and become integral to literary and cultural studies. Nonetheless, the concept of complicity remains fundamentally underresearched. Addressing topical and exigent concerns such as white supremacy, war and displacement, child abuse and mentalism, this timely volume explores how producers, texts, consumers and critics can either intentionally or unwittingly become complicit in the creation and perpetuation of social harm - and how the structures supporting such complicities can be resisted. The contributors aim to raise awareness and lay the groundwork for a utopian 'radical unfolding' that enables not just non-complicity, i.e. the refusal to be complicit, but anti-complicity - the active and collective resistance to social harm. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 54.28 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Complicity and the Politics of Representation
    Complicity and the Politics of Representation

    Complicity and the Politics of Representation , This book explores the concept of complicity with regard to the politics of representation. Over the past decades, complicity critique has evolved and become integral to literary and cultural studies. Nonetheless, the concept of complicity remains fundamentally underresearched. Addressing topical and exigent concerns such as white supremacy, war and displacement, child abuse and mentalism, this timely volume explores how producers, texts, consumers and critics can either intentionally or unwittingly become complicit in the creation and perpetuation of social harm - and how the structures supporting such complicities can be resisted. The contributors aim to raise awareness and lay the groundwork for a utopian 'radical unfolding' that enables not just non-complicity, i.e. the refusal to be complicit, but anti-complicity - the active and collective resistance to social harm. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 182.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Exploring Complicity
    Exploring Complicity

    Exploring Complicity , Questions of complicity emerge within a range of academic disciplines and everyday practices. Using a wide range of case studies, this book explores the concept of and cases of complicity in an interdisciplinary context. It expands orthodox understandings of the concept by including the notion of structural complicity, revealing seemingly inconsequential, everyday forms of complicity; examining different kinds and degrees of individual and collective complicity; and introducing complicity as a lens through which to analyse and critically reflect upon social structures and relations. It also explores complicity through a series of cases emerging from a variety of academic disciplines and professional practices. Its various chapters reflect on, amongst other things, the complicity of politicians, self-proclaimed feminists, health care workers, fictional characters, social movement activists and academic defenders of torture. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 178.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Exploring Complicity
    Exploring Complicity

    Exploring Complicity , Questions of complicity emerge within a range of academic disciplines and everyday practices. Using a wide range of case studies, this book explores the concept of and cases of complicity in an interdisciplinary context. It expands orthodox understandings of the concept by including the notion of structural complicity, revealing seemingly inconsequential, everyday forms of complicity; examining different kinds and degrees of individual and collective complicity; and introducing complicity as a lens through which to analyse and critically reflect upon social structures and relations. It also explores complicity through a series of cases emerging from a variety of academic disciplines and professional practices. Its various chapters reflect on, amongst other things, the complicity of politicians, self-proclaimed feminists, health care workers, fictional characters, social movement activists and academic defenders of torture. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 65.78 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Complicated Complicity
    Complicated Complicity

    Complicated Complicity , During World War II, collaboration with the German occupiers became the norm in the occupied countries and satellite states. The consequence was the wide-scale surrender particularly of the Jewish population and the rapid implementation of their deportation. What were the motives, manifestations and spectrum of actions of European collaboration? In times of increasing historical revisionism, such sensitive questions are of special relevance. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 114.85 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Cold Case Complicity
    Cold Case Complicity

    ISBN: 9781088251096 Title: Cold Case Complicity Author: Helen Gray Format: Paperback / softback PUBLISHER: IngramSpark Published:31 Aug 2023

    Preis: 37.72 € | Versand*: 0.0 €
  • Cold Case Complicity
    Cold Case Complicity

    ISBN: 9781088251096 Title: Cold Case Complicity Author: Helen Gray Format: Paperback / softback PUBLISHER: IngramSpark Published:31 Aug 2023

    Preis: 38.04 € | Versand*: 0.0 €
  • Wilson, Steve: Complicity
    Wilson, Steve: Complicity

    Complicity , >

    Preis: 19.13 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Docherty, Thomas: Complicity
    Docherty, Thomas: Complicity

    Complicity , Complicity argues that all existing modes of cultural critique are regarded as legitimate and productive if and only if they are complicit with the very ideologies and values that the criticism sets out to undermine. Through philosophical, literary and theoretical analysis, Thomas Docherty shows how easy it has been for criticism to become essentially an act of political collaboration with existing governmental power. The book explores the various ways in which, both historically and theoretically, critical activity has become complicit with the over-arching social and political norms that it aims to undermine. Philosophically, ethically and politically, criticism's fundamental impulse is too often intrinsically negated. In extreme political form, this places criticism in line with collaborationist activity. Docherty then finds a productive way out of the double-bind in which criticism has traditionally found itself, through an idea of criticism as a mode of 'reserve', a mode of commitment that eschews fundamentalism of all kinds. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 150.61 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Docherty, Thomas: Complicity
    Docherty, Thomas: Complicity

    Complicity , Thomas Docherty advances the invention and development of a new critical theory. This book offers a broad historical sweep, ranging from an exploration of wartime collaboration through to contemporary surveillance society. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 55.70 € | Versand*: 0 €

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